If you have information about illegal activities in the procurement and supply of counterfeit, substandard, low-quality imported components, please provide this information by the “helpline” of JSC “Institute BELORGSTANKINPROM” to the number: +375 17 369 18 40*
The main tasks of the “Helpline” are:
- ensuring prompt reception, accounting and consideration of messages from citizens (organizations) received by the “Helpline”;
- processing and sending applications and messages to the Director of JSC “Institute of BELORGSTANKINPROM” for consideration and taking measures;
- analysis of messages from citizens (organizations) received by the “Helpline”, their accounting in the development and implementation of anti-corruption measures in the field of procurement of goods.
*The work schedule of the helpline: On working days from 8:30 to 16: 40 minutes (with a break from 12: 30 to 13: 10 minutes).
The work plan of the Anti-Corruption Commission
The work plan of the Anti-Corruption Commission
Model rules of anti-corruption behavior
Model rules of anti-corruption behavior